Thursday, December 30, 2010

Who the what?

Jodie. Who are you? I cannot see your blog, invite me to see it?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day challenge in one night.

1. Andrew. He is lovely and nice.
2. Audrey Hepburn. I am nothing like her, but Andrew is lovely and nice.
3. Opposite sex: i believe they have it easier. Same sex: bitchy, sly, manipulative. 
4. I got Daria. 
And then it didn't work (region codes and such).
But then I got it to work.
5. Put my hair in a bun and take photos of it.
6. 1 grand into shopping. 1 to re-doing the back room. The rest into savings.
7. Like:
-Lower legs
-Pimple on my forehead
-top of my arms
-top of my thighs. 
8. I guess that would be my formal.
Well, I went to Jess's in the middle of the day and got ready. Her parents took photos. Our partners came to Jess's. More photos taken. Went to Pre's. Lots of photos. Walked to the venue. Walked around. Photos. Ate a bit. Awards were given out (best dressed and such). Me and my partner were named "Cutest Couple". Danced. Tried to leave. Were chased by security because we werent allowed to leave until the end. Stayed in the foyer until 11pm. During which chilled with the cool teachers. Trecked it up the hill to where we were getting cabs to afters. Had a few drinks and talked and stayed awake all night chillin' with people and having a laugh. didnt sleep. watched as the night became day, was pretty. Went into town at about 7am. 
9. Oh bloody everything. People, the world, its all just so sad really. I mean everything is sad. human nature is a sick and sad thing.
10. When I was little i lied about brushing my teeth a lot.
11. Well, I would go for hate and kill them and eat them. But I don't hate anyone, so I'd go hungry and mad from loneliness. So I'll take love and we shall work as a team to survive and I'm pretty sure we wont turn on each other and try our hand at cannibalism.
12. My tummy is not going to be where I want it for when I have to wear a bikini. I know its superficial and lame but it's true. TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE IN MY HOUSE.
13. fuck that.
14. Human nature. (the actual thing, not the band. Actualy, both.)
" There'd be sand in your pockets and nothing on your mind" 
"And all our days were a sun-drenched haze
While the salt spray crusted on the window panes"
"But time is like the ocean
You can only hold a little in your hands
So swim before we’re broken
Before our bones become
Black coral on the sand
" - The Summer Josh Pyke.
16. No
17.Not sending more letters to abroad family.
  1. Sort out all the books in the back room
  2. get rid of furniture.
  3. rearrange furniture
  4. beautify back room
  5. buy ipod connecter thingy
  6. watch all of Daria
  7. watch season 4 of Dexter
  8. Get lots of hugs
  9. See lots of people
  10. Go to beeeed
19. no.
21. "Not sending more letters to abroad family." HAHAHA goood one.
whatcha wanna do fridee?"
  1. my hair colour
  2. my tummy
  3. the amount I've seen people these holidays
  4. the food thats in my cupboard
  5. the back room
24. Turn ons: Smile. Good sense of humor. Open minded. Nice arms. Niceness. 
Turn offs: Vanity. Arrogance. Intolerance. Long fingernails. Chuck Bass.
25. Max, from Where The Wild Things Are. It would be so much fun to be King and to threaten to eat up the monsters and then to just sail away.
26. Glustick, Key, Tweezers, Shameless series two, Mini VW New Beetle.
27. Status's from groups are annoying.
28. uhhh... I once ruined a practical joke and I felt pretty embarrassed and cried.
29. Im more not proud of the things I do than I am proud. im not ashamed of them. just not proud. Ok, Ok, I am not proud of the nachos I made today. I've made much better.
30. Probably with mum about something stupid.


I have a huge fondness of Fairy Lights.

I got some pretty flower type fairy lights for Christmas. When they are all up and working, the lights will look like fairies sitting on the flowers. It will be magical.

pretty pictures

I'm Hip to the Cool daddio.

So, everyone has been using the word "Hipster"as an insult lately, including myself, but I thought I'd do me a bit of researching and see what all the fuss is really about and why it is such a bad thing. I Urban Dictionaried "Hipster" and found this. So i have changed the colour of all that fits in with me because, to be honest, I already thought that most of my friends were leaning more towards the "Hipster" side of things. Then they called Hipster bad. But it's just a stupid lable anyway. Innit.

Anything in this wonderful colour is my doing so there you go. 

Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. The greatest concentrations of hipsters can be found living in the Williamsburg, Wicker Park, and Mission District neighborhoods of major cosmopolitan centers such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco respectively. Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses. Both hipster men and women sport similar androgynous hair styles that include combinations of messy shag cuts and asymmetric side-swept bangs. Such styles are often associated with the work of creative stylists at urban salons, and are usually too "edgy" for the culturally-sheltered mainstream consumer. The "effortless cool" urban bohemian look of a hipster is exemplified in Urban Outfitters and American Apparel ads which cater towards the hipster demographic. Despite misconceptions based on their aesthetic tastes, hipsters tend to be well educated and often have liberal arts degrees, or degrees in maths and sciences, which also require certain creative analytical thinking abilities. Consequently many hipsters tend to have jobs in the music, art, and fashion industries. It is a myth that most hipsters are unemployed and live off of their parent's trust funds.

Hipsters shun mainstream societal conventions that apply to dating preferences and traditional "rules" of physical attraction. It is part of the hipster central dogma not to be influenced by mainsream advertising and media, which tends to only promote ethnocentric ideals of beauty. The concepts of androgyny and feminism have influenced hipster culture, where hipster men are often as thin as the women they date (thinner). The muscular and athletic all-American male ideal is not seen as attractive by confident and culturally-empowered hipster women who instead view them as symbols of male oppression, sexism, and misogyny. Likewise, culturally-vapid sorority-type girls with fake blond hair, overly tanned skin, and "Britney Spears tube-tops" are not seen as attractive by cultured hipster males who instead see them as symbols of female insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of cultural intelligence and independent thinking. Hipsters are also very racially open-minded, and the greatest number of interracial couples in any urban environment are typically found within the hipster subculture.

Although hipsters are technically conformists within their own subculture, in comparison to the much larger mainstream mass, they are pioneers and leaders of the latest cultural trends and ideals. For example, the surge of jeans made to look old and worn (i.e. "distressed"), that have become prevalent at stores such as The Gap, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Hollister, were originally paraded by hipsters who shopped in thrift stores years before such clothing items were mass produced and sold to the mainstream consumer. The true irony here is that many of the detractors of hipster culture are in fact unknowingly following a path that hipsters have carved out years before them. This phenomena also applies to music as well, as many bands have become successful and known to mainstream audiences only because hipsters first found and listened to them as early-adopters of new culture. Once certain concepts of fashion and music have reached mainstream audiences, hipsters move on to something new and improved.

Because of the rise of various online photo-blog and social networking sites, insights into urban hipster culture is reaching sheltered suburban audiences at an exponential rate. Cultural "norms" have been deconstructed by hipster culture as a whole. Hipsterism is often dismissed as just an image thing by some, but the culture as a whole is effecting changes in society, leading to feelings of insecurity and resentment in people who are no longer a part of the cultural ruling class. For example, a lot of anti-hipster sentiment evidently comes from culturally-clueless suburban frat boy types who feel that the more sensitive, intelligent, and culturally aware hipster ideal threatens their insecure sense of masculinity. Anti-hipster sentiment often comes from people who simply can't keep up with social change and are envious of those who can.

Ok, so basicaly to sum it all up.

People don't like Hipsters that come under the categories of "try hards" and "arrogant pricks".

The "try hards" are the ones who are following hipsterism in it's mainstream period, and think that they are cool and different for doing so, which bugs the "arrogant pricks" because they like to be the first and only ones to do what they do and wear what they wear and listen to what they hear.

and then there are people like me. I hate both those types because I cannot stand people who do things to "be cool" and I cannot stand people who stop liking things because other people start liking them. 

It's like, bloody half the people in my year liked Twilight until people started to take the piss and of course they then joined in. Because Twilight isn't cool. I have a lot more respect for Twilight fans who stuck by it than i do for the ones who went ape shit for it, then quit cos it wasn't cool no more. 

(Of course I have most respect of people who never did and still don't like Twilight, so long as they dislike it because they think it's shit.)

If you like a band, then like it. If you like a certain style of clothes, then wear them. If you like to do that thing, then do it. Even if its cool, or uncool, or mainstream, or hipstery. JUST DO IT. Yeah go Nike! Fucking wankers. 

I have decided that I am "Hip" because i sorta fit into the whole "Hipster" thing. But I continue to like things that are mainstream but I also value independent thinking.

The end. 

My Animal Encounters.

Once upon a time there lived a snail. 
He was eaten. 
By me. 
When i was about 2.
I would like to apologize to him to him.
Or her.

Once upon a time there lived a cat.
Her name was Oscar.
She was a grouch.
When I was three.
I woke up early one day and painted her green.
With house paint.
Sorry about that buddy.

Once upon a time there lived a small lizard.
When I was about 5.
He bit me.
I am still waiting for my apology. 

Once upon this time I have a dog.
He chases cats.
-My cat ran away.
He eats lizards.
-Bit you back bud.
He leaves the snails alone.
-He is sorry for me too.
I guess.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So, i need some pictures cos there has been SO MUCH WRITTINGS!

I found this comparison rather amusing: 

Marilyn Monroe 1950's: Blonde Bombshell wearing a LBD, silver bling, voluptuous. 
Scarlett Johansson 2000's: Blonde Bombshell wearing LBD, silver bling, voluptuous.
Audrey Hepburn 1950's: Black clothing, squarish around the hips, sleeves, fringe, petite. 
 Zooey Deschanel 2000's :Black clothing, squarish around the hips, sleeves, fringe. petite.
Twiggy 1960's: Slicked back straight short hair, grey mini, stick thin.
Alexa Chung 2000's: Slicked back straight short hair, grey mini, stick thin.

Its not just Fashion that repeats its self apparently. 

Day Thirteen: Post a Youtube video that makes you laugh/inspires you.

Last of all:

so, my internet is UBER crap so i cant actually go on youtube or i wont have internet for like a week. ok, maybe not a week, but for the rest of the night. and its only 9:45 and the night is young sooooo

Go to you tube and type in
"I whip my hair back and forth Willow Smith Official"
And make sure you get the one with the fucking AWESOME 10 year old who whips her hair
ok also
"Cadbury eyebrow advert" is good
"My hands are bananas"
all of them..... yeah


Day Blah: HEX codes or summink







or something

Day Eleven: Set a goal.

Well this is easy as it is just the start of summer holidays i will be very boring and boring and my goal is to lose my winter food baby so i feel better about my body and i dont get disgusted when in my bikini :)
ergh so much efffooorrttt

Day Ten: List some of your favorite tumblrs.

Oh Tumblr Blogspot rivalry :O:O:O:O
I have both. Like this better. Its more organized, but i go on Tumblr more becasue its more update
d so here is mine (any change to plug myself even though no one actually looks at this ever, except clare. HEY CLARE)
and heres a list of the ones which are the bestest



Day Nine: Share one of your current favorite tunes.

The Summer- Josh Pyke
As it is now the summer, and also the holidays, it is most very appropriate. 

Day Eight: Describe your food consumption today.

1. Carrot
2. Corn chips
3. Pastizes 
4. Mi Goreng
5. Burger
6. Ice Cream with Milo

 .... So much for eating healthy.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Me and Clares Bucklist(for togetherness)

  • aid work
  • drama teach
  • make a movie that goes on tv
  • go to paris
  • live in paris
  • have dreads
  • stay awake for a week (no coffee)
  • live in a tree house
  • catch a butterfly
  • be seeewww inndddeeehhhhhh
  • paint stufffffff
  • have a threesome
  • save someones life

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day Six: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes.

Other than for being gorgeous...
For being adorable and smoldering. 
For being sexy, while vulnerable.
For being carefree and smooth.
For beauty and body.
For that smile.

Day Five: Share your favorite recipe.

Now, I aint much of a cook. I mostly eat things that other people cook, that can be eaten with no preparation, or simple things like Mi goreng and meat pies. I can make good Nachos, but if I tell you how to make my Nachos, then you can make MY Nachos and it is MINE. soyeah,no. So I guess I will tell you how to make a Milo-Smashy-Upy. Which I made up. ...I think.
So here you go:

"Milo Smashy Upy.
yummy drink what i made one day cos i was bored and like ice. 

first put 4-5 tea spoons of milo in a glass
then put about 6 ice cubes in a tea towel wrap them up and smash it against a bread board, right before you smash you have to say  MILO SMASHY UPY then smash away. you can also use the milo tin to help smash up the ice by whacking the ice in the tea towel with the tin.
Then put the ice on the milo
then put in a few scoops of ice cream.
then fill the glass with milk until the top of the ice cream
then mix it allll up and drink with a spoon and straw. 
:) "

Day Three: Share your favorite quote/song lyric.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars- Oscar Wilde

About 90% of this world's problems are caused by little words that come in pairs. We're healthy and we're happy... Yet when anybody asks us, we say "not bad"- Steve 

Buckwheat: Hey, Spanky, me and Porky have an idea. 
Spanky: Keep it, you might need it when you grow up! 
Buckwheat: Oh-tay.

There's so very very many more of us 
Than there are of you, your time is up
For too long we've stayed home at night
Playing scrabble and watch CSI
We are introverted (bad dancers)
We are unfashionable (bad dancers)
We don't give a fuck (bad dancers)
We are the incredible (bad dancers)
We're the International Society of Bad Dancers
This is a song for all the bad dancers
Who won't take no for an answer
You see us on every dance floor
Unfit and sweat slick like a cancer
We don't know how to grind our hips
We don't know how to pout with our lips
We don't know how to bump and dip
But when the beat hits well we don't give a shit
International Society of Bad Dancers by Jackson Jackson

Marie Antoinette

Delicious Pastries, bathing, being waded on hand and foot...

Huge comfy descendant beds, cute animals...

Forbidden courtship, lust, love, wooing, sex, teasing...

Extravagant clothing, beautiful people... 

Serene green gardens and paddocks, sun dresses and hats, books and company...

Bitching, Cake, Dancing, Detail, Dresses, Fans, Foes, Friends, Gardens, Hair, horse-drawn carriages, Letters, Lipstick, Masks, Shoes, Wallpaper...

What more could one want?

Day Two: Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day.

  1. Woke up
  2. Went to bathroom
  3. Went back to sleep
  4. Woke up
  5. Went to lounge room 
  6. Watched T.V
  7. Made pasta
  8. Ate pasta while watching T.V
  9. Watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time; enjoyable.
  10. Went to bathroom
  11. Watched T.V
  12. Made Mi Goreng
  13. Ate Mi Goreng while watching T.V
  14. Watched T.V
  15. Went to Bedroom
  16. Turned on computer
  17. Took dress off chair and put dress in cupboard
  18. Went on Facebook
  19. Printed papers
  20. Messaged Phoebe
  21. Tried on skirt
  22. Went on Blogspot
  23. Made a bulleted list of everything that happened in my day.
Not a very eventful day, but hey, beats school...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day One: Introduce yourself. List your likes and dislikes.

  • Nachos
  • Mary and Max
  • Vintage fashion
  • Scarlett Johansson 
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Pixar
  • Daria
  • ABC kids in the 90's and early naughties 
  • Heath Ledger
  • Rain
  • Sunshine
  • Waves
  • My beach hair
  • Doctor Who
  • A hell of a lot of BBC and ABC shows.
  • Toni Collet 
  • Drama
  • Plays
  • Children's Picture books 
  • Books written by Roald Dahl
  • Burlesque inspired clothing and performances 
  • Days off school
  • Egg
  • Social politics
  • Homophobia
  • Itchy eyes
  • My food baby
  • A few of my teachers
  • Maths
  • My phone
  • My internet
  • Bad music
  • When people cover soft choir-esque songs , or bad songs from the 80's. LEAVE THEM ALONE. THEY ARE GOOD BY THEM SLEVES. yes im looking at you "Flo Rida". Learn to spell and come up with your own songs.

Ok sos i cut out some but thats cos they were stoooopppiiddddddd

Day One: Introduce yourself. List your likes and dislikes.

Day Two: Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day.

Day Three: Share your favorite quote/song lyric.

Day Four: Smile! We want to see your teeth today. Post a self-portrait.(not doing this as ma blog aint about seein' me.)

Day Five: Share your favorite recipe.

Day Six: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes.

Day Seven: Create a bucket list, whether or not your aspirations or rational.

Day Eight: Describe your food consumption today.

Day Nine: Share one of your current favorite tunes.

Day Ten: List some of your favorite tumblrs.

Day Eleven: Set a goal.

Day Twelve: Provide the HEX code(s) of your favorite color(s).

Day Thirteen: Post a Youtube video that makes you laugh/inspires you.

PS. it wont be day by day, but rather, jsut whenever, if i get 'em all done tonight then so be it. If i get them done in a year, so be it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In celebration of the completion of my re-reading of the 7th book

So i know i posted other HP things before but i found this tumblr called fuckyeahdeathlyhallows and it was awesome and i went through its 53 pages and kinda laughed so hard i felt that i should take some of the pictures and put them here in a collection of my favourite... AND i finished the 7th one just yesterday :)

p.s if you havnt read the books and something is spoilt THATS YOUR FUALT FOR NOT READING THE BOOKS douche.

OK, so this picture is tiny tiny so ima write out what it says here: 
"Oh fuck no, that shit aint gonna fly with me. Or anyone with a brain for that matter. The badass on the left side of the page is the brightest fucking witch of her age. She took on a full gown mountain troll when she was only 11 and lived to tell the fucking tale. What did Bella do when she was 11? We don't know because Stephanie Myer gives us no details of what Bellas life was like before Forks. But you can bet your first born child that Bella didn't do anything as brave as taking on a fucking mountain troll. She probably sat around making sandwiches for her mom's boyfriends
Bella spends her time wishing she was pretty and bitching about the weather. Hermione (as pretty as she may actually be) knows that people tease her about her looks, but does she spend her time bitching and moaning about it? No, because she has more important things to be doing with her fucking time. Like researching what the fuck is hidden in the Chamber of Secrets so she and her badass friend Harry Potter (if you don't know who Harry *BAMF* Potter is, shoot yourself now) can save all the muggleborns. Or doing something productive like studying and helping other people with their homework, as apposed to Bella who sits around smugly thinking about how she's so much fucking smarter than everyone else. When in reality,Bella is dumber than Crab and Goyle. And instead of begging the the guy she loves to fuck her for three books straight, Hermione waits for him to notice her, instead of acting like a dumb slut to get his attention. Hermione and her two male friends (who aren't both in love with her) save the fucking world on a daily basis. What the fuck has Bella done besides cry and have sex? Nothing. Thats right. Nothing. So shut the fuck up and appreciate the badassery and amazingness that is Hermione fucking Granger, before i crucio your ass."

OK so the writings small but its the "YOU CANT SIT WITH US" thing and if you havn't seen mean girls YOU SMELL.

Tiny for the first 4 so here ya go: 
Harry thank you for saving the school this year, but i have bad news,
You have fallen behind on your class work and i dont know how to say this.
Say what professor?
hit it Gandalf.

Such a good series. also cant wait for the last two movies!