If this post was called Bits and Boobs it would be rather rude... not that anyone will see it anyway.
This makes me happy
this and the above image are from the blog 52 Suburbs which is SO COOOOL and you should check it out. Also. My mum is ginger, which means i might carry the ginger gene so i think i should have babies with someone who has the ginger and then i will get a cute little ranga baby like this one :)
No explanation needed.
I really want to watch The Grinch again. My english sub today looked like the Grinch. I laughed.
I bought a video of Hey Arnold for $2 at Vinnies and i think i should finish it. HEY FOOTBALL HEAD
Saw this film for the first time on the weekend. Possibly the best line in the movie.
Oh how i wished Peter Pan would take me to Neverland. I hated the thought of growing up. I still wish i was 5.
Oh deary me
and agian
and again.
I wish i owned them all but they cost lots of monies which i don't have. If i did. I would climb into a cocoon and watch them forever
Cutest movie couple in the world. I like this movie because it knows its a movie. It screams "LOOK AT MY MOVIENESS WITH MY WANKY ARTY SHOTS AND TECHNIQUES AND MY CHEESY LAMENESS AND MY AWESOMENESS"
I love it.
Once you've seen The Doctor and Bill Nigh complement each other on their bow ties, finding out that Bill Nigh is going to be in the next Harry Potter movie.... My life is complete. For real...
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