Thursday, March 4, 2010

a big ball of timey whimey wibbly wobbbley ...stuff...

from inside the pillow fort, He decided to call his friend joe over
"COME OVER JOE" so joe proceeded to do so. they then sewed a blanket made of the feathers plucked from a goose. his bum specifically. They went to the Pacific with laughter and one thought in there head. no one know what that thought was. WE know it was just ONE thought because the Meerkat told us. The meerkat is always right.I am the meerkat. I am the walrus, but thats a different story. stories are fun to tell and often funnier to listen to because you do not know what is coming. unless the story is predictable. If you ever tell a bad story, say "And then i found $20" at the end because it is much cooler. i know some cool people. i also know some "cool people" "cool" people are usually not cool. or they are but not because for the reasons they think they are. I have a theory that is complete rubbish but is that no one can really ever be "themselves" after listening to a bunch of 50 pluses discussing philosophy and post modernism and arguing about it, whilst falling asleep in a camp chair, i decided that no one is there true selves as to be there true selves you would have to be born into nothingness with no parents or family or friends for they a a constant influence as to who you are, so really you're "true" self, or what people perceive this to be is just a person with lots of influences from other people. the only people who are themselves are those that do not exist as they have nothing, bar themselves. so they are themselves. whoever if they have an environment they are influenced by it. also, the true person must be a big colourless shapeless thing of nothingness. but that doesn't exist so everyone is just a mix of everyone else which is kinda odd. but cool. just like meerkats,laughter,bums,geese,and pillow forts. especially pillow forts. but thats just me...

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